Q. Do I Need A Referral From A GP For Physiotherapy Treatment?

A. No, you can come directly to the clinic without a referral from your GP. Our physiotherapists will assess your injury and determine what treatment is appropriate. The clinic treats ACC claims and private clients, as well as private insurance claims. If your physiotherapist feels you need to see your GP then they will let you know on your first visit.

Q. What is ACC?

A. If you have an accident or injury, Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) will pay for some of your treatment costs at Physio By Design. All clients will be required to pay a co-payment. An accident must be a sudden event or incident and you must remember when and where the accident happened. ACC will cover most work injuries, accidents at home and also sporting injuries. Our reception team or physiotherapist will fill out ACC forms when you come for your first visit. We can also refer you for an x-ray or ultrasound examination if necessary.

Q. Is There An ACC Surcharge (Additional Payment) For Physiotherapy Treatments?

A. Yes. All clients will be required to pay a co-payment per visit. This is due to the government altering its funding to ACC accredited clinics on the 15th November 2009. There are nominal charges for materials such as strapping tape, rehabilitation equipment (eg. exercise bands and pulleys) and loan items (eg. crutches). Refer to the Pricing section for more info.

Q. What If I Don't Have ACC?

A. Our clinic provides treatment for all types of claims including private claims where the client pays for their own visit. You may have private medical insurance or private insurance (through a work related injury). Our physiotherapists are happy to treat your injury regardless of whether you are paying for the treatment yourself, your insurance company is covering your treatment or you are covered through work insurance.

Q. What Rights Do I Have When I Come for Treatment At Physio By Design?

A. During your treatment at Physio By Design your privacy throughout your treatment is paramount. All your medical records are kept in confidence and you are able to access them if you wish. Your medical records will not be submitted to anyone without your permission.

If you have specific cultural needs or feel that your culture or religion warrants a different treatment approach, please do not hesitate to talk to your therapist or reception staff. We are more than happy to accommodate your needs so that you obtain the best treatment possible in an environment that makes you feel comfortable.
You have the right to have a support person present during your treatment or a chaperon if you wish. You have the right to a second opinion on your injury or pain. This can be from a senior physiotherapist, a specialist, or from an additional physiotherapist from another clinic. If you would like some more information on a second opinion please talk to your physiotherapist or reception staff.